How sad, they are dammed determine to destroy, that's all they know, knowing damn good and Well the people don't want it

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This is insanity. This is nothing but the government bullying the rural life. These fields will not in any way help the environment. Follow the money!

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If Trump cuts subsidy’s will this prevent the States from continuing with their plans? Where will the incentives come from? Of course rescinding Biden’s Green New Deal would be the best of situations for Michigan and for all the other States, then reclaiming our land from these companies, somehow, direct relationship with China is easiest but I think China is pretty well hidden is the multi national shell game

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Dave. I am SO thankful for you. I can't afford to pay for you intellect at this point but I ASSURE YOU, that I appreciate you. 👍

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*your (stupid voice text) 🤦‍♀️

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President Trump is cancelling the new green deal.. solar panels aren't necessary

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