Dave Bondy's Keeping it Real Newsletter
Dave Bondy's Keeping it Real Newsletter
EXCLUSIVE: Woman in front row at Trump rally tells me what she saw

EXCLUSIVE: Woman in front row at Trump rally tells me what she saw

Her first hand experience with history

An eyewitness to an assassination attempt at a rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania, recounted her experience, describing the chaotic and dangerous situation. Christina, a Michigan native and frequent rally attendee, was in the front row during the event.

"I'm still shocked and trying to process it. We're just lucky to be alive," Christina said. She noted a significant lack of security and staffing at the rally, which had about 45,000 attendees.

Moments before the shooting, Christina captured a video of President Trump speaking. "We were enjoying the rally when suddenly, flashing lights and gunshots erupted. It took a moment to realize what was happening," she recalled.

The scene quickly turned chaotic. "Even after Trump was moved, we didn’t know if the shooter was caught or if there were more," she said. Despite the trauma, Christina emphasized the need for better security. "We could have protected our president better," she asserted.

Christina remains resolute in her support for President Trump, vowing to continue attending rallies while stressing the importance of improved security measures. "We need to make it safe for him and us," she concluded.

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